• Raising hope for all Myanmar people
  • The Smallest Act of Kindness is Worth More Than the Grandest Intention
  • We provide Development and Humanitarian aid funding.
A Little Introduction About

The Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace Limited (AMIDHRP)

As a registered charity operating in four countries, such as Australia, Myanmar, India and Thailand, we have a focus on international affairs and encourage public debate in the promotion and protection of human rights
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We raise funds for the education of children and adolescents in Myanmar and refugee groups in Thailand, India and Malaya and the Myanmar diaspora communities in Australia. We also provide advice on Australian Education and Visa pathways for all Myanmar people.
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How Can You Help?
Your donation will help us save and improve lives through our wide range Aid Programs directed to Myanmar and the Myanmar diaspora in Australia and world wide.

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Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words.

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